In preparation for the upcoming Avengers Endgame, I decided to re-watch Marvel’s mega hit Infinity War. It’s directed by the Russo brothers, and stars almost every single Marvel hero, excluding Jeremy Renner and Paul Rudd.

An important thing to note, and this is easily forgotten, is how this is a brand-new achievement in film making. Never before has there been so many interconnected movies leading to a big event like this, a decade in the making. And they pull it off, the wait is worth it. Josh Brolin’s Thanos has been teased for many years now, and we finally get to see him in full glory, and he’s awesome. Thanos is the focus of this movie, and effectively the protagonist of this story, and I think that that was the best way for this movie to be. He does an excellent job.

A small part of the team

The Russos do such a good job of juggling so many different stories and characters, while still providing small moments and humor. And the action is some of the best in a Marvel film, particularly the fight between Thanos and Iron Man. The VFX in this film are also very good.

Other standouts include Chris Hemsworth in my favorite turn as Thor, Downey Jr. as Iron Man, and Zoe Saldana as Gamorra. This movie has a lot of guts and does a lot of hard things, and it does them well. One of the best in the superhero genre.

13 thoughts on “AVENGERS INFINITY WAR Review

  1. To be honest I am not sure I have ever seen any of these movies…I know that’s pretty sad! I think one day when life slows down a little I will try and at least watch one movie a week to catch up a little!


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